
Android and iOS communication app

SAMubycom app

Mobile front-end of the platform for unified communications & collaboration developed for the telecommunications company Selta Spa. The client can use two apps: Apple iOS and Android allow the user to always be in touch with their corporate contacts and with the external world in an easy and immediate way.
The app works by connecting to the corporate system of unified communications & collaboration and allows users to access advanced services via an intuitive interface: calls, voicemail, contact management, and instant messaging. The entire communication system (vocal or instant messaging) can be maintained in one’s own company area to respect privacy: voice and chat messages will not be linked to any third party software or apps.


Once the app is running, on your Android smartphone or iPhone, you can control:

  • lcalls: forward, conference calls, reject, and call back
  • instant messaging and chats; chat with colleagues on a similar system to the most common apps
  • presence: update status to online, busy, or away
  • voicemail: direct access to voicemail
  • call log: view details of calls made, received, or missed/li>
  • contacts: private and centralised company contacts